Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K is a running program that is designed to take people from not being able to run at all, (couch potato) to being able to run a 5K in 9 weeks.

I started the program 57 Days ago, on March 29th, and have been logging my progress on facebook. It has been a great experience and I've gotten lots of support and encouraged others to increase their exercise and even try this program.

I thought it would be fun to compile all my daily posts in one place, so if I ever get discouraged, I can look back and see how far I've come.  So, below is my C25K progress from Day 1.*

Getting up off the couch because that's the first step to doing Cto5K. Ugh!!

Now that I've done my Couch to 5K and 200 crunches for today, I wonder why it is so hard to talk myself into regular exercise. It felt SO freaking GOOD!! Better than a lot of things that are bad for me that I have to talk myself out of doing. Sometimes I think the human brain is just wired all wrong.

C25k Day 2 - SUCKED!!! Shins, thighs and left ankle hurt and my lower back felt like someone had been slamming on it with a sledge hammer. Moved slow as molasses and even Prince, Pink, and Eminem couldn't give me that "to hell with you" powerful feeling. But I pushed through and the end came sooner than I expected. Starting to psych myself up for Day 3 immediately.

March 31 near New York via mobile
It takes motivation to get off the couch to run in sunny Central Park. It takes dedication to get out of bed to run through rainy Bed Stuy. I dont know if I'm that dedicated.
(Turns out I was that dedicated - actually went further than 
I was supposed to and had a nice walk back.)

April 1 near New York via mobile
C25K Day 4 - Today's challenge - convincing myself to get up and out after being at the Blue Note until 3:30 and only getting 5 hours sleep. This shit better start feeling good soon. I need some endorphins that know how to do their job!!!

April 1 near New York via mobile
C25K Day 4 - Today's challenge - convincing myself to get up and out after being at the Blue Note until 3:30 and only getting 5 hours sleep. This shit better start feeling good soon. I need some endorphins that know how to do their job!!!

April 2 near New York
I ran in the rain in Bed-Stuy and on 5 hours sleep in Midwood, so you'd think it would be easy to motivate myself out the door this morning...nope! That evil voice in my head is trying to use reason, "But you're only SUPPOSED to do this three days a week and you've already done 4 days in a row. Take a break." No breaks!!

April 3 near New York
C25K Day 5 - I haven't run yet today. It might be a break day. I've never been one for exercising at anytime other than the morning. I feel a little out of sorts. And HUNGRY!!! Damn, but this exercise thing makes me so hungry - and I know I'll feel guilty eating my fill if I don't exercise, so I guess I'll be doing an evening run.

April 3 near New York
C25K Day 5 Part 2 - I did it!!! Came in from work, changed my clothes - set up the C25K app and made a playlist for my phone and headed out the door!!! This might just be a first for me, usually if it doesn't happen first thing in the morning, it's not going to happen - but I just didn't feel right skipping a day, so I DID IT!!!! And it didn't hurt as bad today!

April 4 near New York
C25K Day 6 - my stomach was bothering me and I was exhausted, so I thought I would skip today. But around 5pm I got a burst of energy and had to run!! I realized today that I'm doing about 2 miles. The track on the Great Hill in Central Park is a quarter of a mile. I thought I was doing 4 laps, but today I realized I did 7 or 8. Tomorrow will be my 7th straight day of C25k!! I'm so excited!

April 5 near New York
C25K - DAY SEVEN!!!!! They say it takes 2 weeks to make something a habit, well, I am half-way there! Today was SO hard, which was really discouraging because yesterday was the easiest day I've had so far. Everything hurt, I was moving super slow and couldn't speed up and I just felt tired. But I did it!!

April 6 near New York
C25K Day 8 - Today's challenge - getting off the couch with kids at home. Would much rather sit and talk nail polish with Ondine than go run...especially because yesterday was SO hard. A little scared that today is going to be even worse...Ugh. OK. I can do this.

April 6 near New York
C25K Day 8 part 2 - Best day yet! And not because it was physically easier. It was not as hard as yesterday, but I've had easier days. What made it great was that I didn't want to do it, but I did and it was better than I expected. So next time I don't want to run I have today to look back on. Also, had a bit of an emotional breakthrough, which quite frankly, is a big part of why I'm doing this. Good morning!

April 7 near New York
C25K Day 9 - Today's challenge - completing my time with a 6yo in attendance. Anise wanted to come with me today. She made it through one full lap around the track, then decided I was doing way too much. I offered to take her home, but she chose to hang out in the field in the center of the track, making mohawks in the grass, picking dandelions, and playing with the very nice woman and her dog. It wasn't the best run for me - no opportunity to zone out and clear my head, but I'm kind of encouraged to be setting an exercise example for my girls.

April 8 near New York via mobile
C25K Day 10 - And on the 10th day she rested. If you call cooking and doing hair, then creating an easter egg hunt and filling baskets for a bunch of kids in the family resting

April 9 near New York
C25K Day 11 - Back to the track! I was worried that the exhaustion I felt on Day 9 combined with taking Day 10 off was just the excuse I needed to stop. But NO! I was back at it and better than ever this morning - actually ran for one of my intervals, instead of the super-slow, shuffling jog I usually do. Not quite sure if I was encouraged or discouraged by the man, who most likely was recovering from a stroke, jogging along, one side of his body stiff, with his cane in his hand. All I know is he was moving so fast, I never managed to catch up to him.

April 9 near New York
New sneakers purchased. Nice cushiony Asics. Thanks to Carey, Atea, and especially Teri for recommending Jack Rabbit!! Had fun watching my fat little legs running on the treadmill. Apparently I do not pronate at all, but I understand now why my left foot and ankle have been feeling it more - my lifelong tendency to be pigeon-toed. I thought I had corrected that, but I guess when I run, I slip back into it - have to be more conscious. I'm really looking forward to running tomorrow!!

C25K Day 12 - Whew! Difficult day. Stayed out late watching Game of Thrones with a friend, so just dragging my tired ass out of bed after 5 hours sleep was an effort. Had to search for headphones and the ones I found didn't fit, so the right one kept falling out of my ear. And my playlist played out of order - which totally threw me off. Just could not get it all together. But as discombobulated as I was , I still did it. And I feel this sense of accomplishment that is kind of rare. So I guess, in the end, it's all good.

C25K Day 13 - Another rest day. Not happy about taking another one so soon. But had an early morning shoot - and yesterday was the first time I felt really worn out and sore. Don't want to make this resting thing a habit. I know how easy it is for me to lose enthusiasm and momentum. Trying REALLY hard to not let that happen!

C25K Day 14 - Today was my "Fuck YOU Universe!" day. The last few years have been a barrage of crap coming my way, and often I feel like I'm two seconds away from crumbling. Today, when it all came crashing down I put on my sneakers and ran harder and faster than ever before - and the whole time I was thinking, "Keep throwing shit at me, I can take it and I'll come out better than ever!"

*It's tedious work moving these posts over from facebook.  Will keep adding them until they're all here, but it might take a little while.

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